What parents have the taken pleasure in their purchase of the Graco Quattro tour deluxe stroller is its general versatility; being a great off-roader and a travel companion rolled into one, not to mention it being a solid and convenient when used on public transportation. If you are looking for a reliable baby carrier and one that offers the best value, the Quattro stroller is definitely the one for you.
The Graco Quattro tour deluxe stroller is a complete travel system that can be used both as a pushcar and a car seat. Its made up of two main components which are the stroller and a snugride infant car seat - comes in different models. With this system, parents are able to detach the car seat from the stroller and attach their vehicles' car seat when going on a trip,and the stroller conveniently tucked inside the compartment or the back seat.
The Graco infant car seat is highly suitable for newborn infants and toddlers up to 40-lbs. It sports a 5-point harness for maximum safety and security for the little tykes without giving them a moment's notice of irritation, which can also be converted to a 3-point harness to cater to newborn babies. Along with this is the head hugger as an additional support for the baby's head and neck during the first crucial months.
When it comes to giving babies maximum comfortability, no other travel system comes close to the Quattro tour stroller. It sports top of the line and imported fabrics, that is both soft and hypo-allergenic. It also has a reclining seat for new born babies in their tender and deep slumber. An attachable and lightweight mesh cot can also be attached onto the hood by a zipper, to extend protection against the rays of the Sun from getting on the baby's gentle skin.
The Graco stroller itself is a feat of both beauty and usability. It has a sturdy frame made of welded aluminum that can carry toddlers around 40-lbs, plus baby kits and other stuff that you might put in its wide basket at the bottom of the infant car seat base. It primes of swiveling front wheels for ultimate controllability most relevant during trudging along crowded departments store isles.
If you are looking for a baby transport that sports all the versatility and maximum quality, there is no better deal than the Graco Quattro tour deluxe stroller. See how you can get one as soon as possible to help you with your parenting.